What are the Hardest House Repairs to Do Yourself?

frustrating repair

Repairing and improving a home isn’t exactly fun in the traditional sense. While it can certainly be rewarding to see these tasks finished and experience the improved livability of your home, few homeowners would call them fun.

Many home repairs are more than just frustrating and time-consuming — they’re downright difficult. In the following sections, we’ll explore what makes a home repair job difficult and take a look at three of the hardest home repair jobs:

What Makes a Home Repair Job Difficult

There are plenty of factors that can make a home repair difficult to do. But the toughest jobs tend to be those that have a high skill floor, like plumbing or electrical work. These repair jobs require you to know exactly what you’re doing and to identify and address issues as they are discovered. They require more than just methodically following a step-by-step process.

Of course, there are other jobs that can be difficult for other reasons. For example, repairing an outdoor deck or performing heavy yardwork requires a certain amount of physical strength and stamina. Even if you have the proper level of fitness, carrying lumber around all day isn’t exactly what most people would call easy.

Finally, detail-oriented work can be extremely difficult for some people. Many home repairs that have a high skill floor are also detail oriented. But in addition, think about jobs like child-proofing a home. These tasks aren’t physically demanding, nor are they particularly complex, but when you consider the sheer number of items that require child-proofing in a home, it can quickly become overwhelming.

plumbing plan

5 of the Hardest Home Repair Jobs

1. Plumbing Work

There’s a reason why there are so many plumbing companies in just about every city and town across the country: plumbing isn’t easy. Not only is plumbing difficult to do physically, it also takes a high level of expertise to do properly. Most importantly, if plumbing is done incorrectly, the consequences can be dire. A poorly done plumbing job can lead to water damage in your home and other problems down the line. This is one type of job we recommend leaving to the pros.

2. Electrical Work

Similar to plumbing, electrical work requires you to understand how wiring works. Unfortunately, wiring isn’t a skill that most of us pick up in the day to day of living life. Also, as with plumbing, the consequences of doing electrical work incorrectly are no joke — you can put yourself at risk of being electrocuted or even starting a fire. We strongly recommend that you hire a professional instead of trying to handle electrical work on your own.

3. Child-Proofing

Welcoming a child into your home is a wonderful thing, but it’s not exactly stress-free. By the same token, child-proofing a home isn’t exactly hard in the traditional sense. But the number of objects that need to be modified and made safe can be overwhelming if you’re already thinking about a long list of other to-dos. Hiring a professional to help with these home modifications can save you a lot of stress and ensure that every possible area of your home receives the attention it requires.

4. Exterior Repairs

Exterior repairs present an array of challenges for any homeowner. While typically less complex than electrical work or plumbing, repairing exterior items like doors, windows and outlets tends to be extremely labor intensive.

Outdoor work also changes in difficulty based on the weather. During the summer or winter months, you may find that excessive heat or cold makes your repair job harder. Hiring a handyman for exterior work can keep you from ending up a sweat-soaked mess with a half-repaired deck or gutter.

5. Smart Home Setup and Reintegration

Despite having the word “smart” in their name, setting up smart devices is often anything but intuitive. In some cases, it can even involve complex electrical work, which you’ll have to do in addition to some light programming and setup.

If learning how to do all of that doesn’t seem like a great use of time, you’re not alone. Thankfully, many handymen are able to add smart home features to your lighting, doorbell and other areas of the home.

How a Home Warranty Can Help With House Repairs

A home warranty typically covers home systems and appliances for general wear and tear, but some home warranties go a step beyond the basics. For example, at American Home Protect, our home warranty plan also comes with access to affordable handyman services.

These services can help you avoid having to do tough home repairs on your own, and generally make your life easier. Best of all, we make it easier and cheaper to get a handyman to come to your house since you’ll just be paying a flat fee for the service.

With this home warranty plan, you can still take advantage of typical home warranty benefits like appliance and home system repairs when you need them. For example, water heater, central vacuum and central air repairs are all covered by our home warranty plan.

Get Home Repair Help with a Home Warranty Today

As you can see, some home repairs are a difficult fit for DIY work. And when it comes to your home, you want to make sure that all work gets done correctly.

If you have home repairs and renovations sitting on your to-do list, then a home warranty can help you get them done. Interested in taking advantage of affordable handyman benefits and more? Click the button below to get a quote today!

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