How it works
It’s inevitable, your appliances and home systems will eventually breakdown and give you headaches. Why leave yourself open to costly repairs, or even total system replacement, if you don’t have to?
A home warranty covers you in most cases. It gives you the priceless peace-of-mind in knowing that with one phone call to American Home Protect a qualified and trusted service provider will soon be on the way to fix or replace your problem system or appliance.
Don’t mistake this for your homeowner’s insurance coverage, this is different, it covers you where your homeowner’s policy will not.
A home warranty policy with American Home Protect will save you time, money, and remove the worry that comes from expensive repairs or replacing appliances that would normally drain your bank account dry.
We offer several plans and easy monthly payment options to fit any budget. Don’t live in fear of the next air conditioner melt-down, water heater blow-out, or refrigerator death. Let us handle it all for you!
Need more info?
Or call us at: (877) 407-3820
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